Lynette le Roux is a registered qualified social worker in Private Practice who has 14 years’ experience in supportive social work and legal social work.
I specialises in therapeutic, supportive and evaluations services to the legal system (high court, domestic violence court, children’s court and regional courts) and focus holistically on the whole family.
My main focusses in private practice is the following:
Assistance during and after divorce to families and focusses on the best interest of the minor child/children paramount with the Children’s Act prescriptions
Coaching and assisting parents in drafting of Parenting Plans that is paramount with the best interest of the minor child as indicated in the Children’s Act, Act 38 of 2005
Screening and support services to people experience problems with substance abuse
Lynette’s approach in working with civil matters:
I believe in working in a holistic approach, that both parents are involved in service delivery. It is in the best interest of all minor children that both parents are involved in the emotional evaluation of the minor child and that parties have the ability to reach an agreement for what is the best interest for their minor children.
The emotional evaluation of minor children focusses on all the relationships and areas in the minor child’s life. The assessment will focus on what is the minor child’s experience of his/her current circumstances and relationships. You are the significant others in the life of the minor child and what relationships is important for the minor child. The emotional evaluation will focus on the secure and insecure relationships of the minor child as well as the attachments of the minor child.
The evaluation focuses on the minor child’s believe of their own world, during a separation or divorce, and that influences the minor child’s current experience. A recommendation is formulated with the best interest of the minor child in mind.
My approach is an impartial role in investigations what is in the best interest of minor children going through the separation or divorce of their parents or care givers and not in favour of the parents, but in the best wellbeing of the minor child.
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Social Work is the understanding of human behaviour and social systems and the skills of people to intervene with their different systems in order to ensure social-wellbeing.
Assist and empower people to believe in their abilities and to enhance their social functioning. The ability and understanding of people that might be at risk and the skills to protect them legally.
As a general Social Worker I assessed the presenting problems and referred to appropriate agencies when applicable, developing a wide referral base and knowledge of service providers. As a General Social worker I concentrated on preventative work with families, and if these were futile, protecting and/or removing children applying the Children’s Act and, Rehabilitation Court inquiries for admission to centers for substance abuse.
I worked for the Family Advocate Office for seven years as a team leader. We applied the Acts pertaining to divorce, e.g. regarding custody, contact rights, customary marriages, and provided expert opinions in cases of divorce with care and contact disputes. I was also involved in assessments were the primary caregiver of a minor child was convicted. I testified in several High Court matters and one outstanding matter was in Najwa Petersen matter. In this period of time I mediated and assessed care and contact and divorce disputes on a daily basis and completed approximately 840 cases of mediations/custody and access evaluations.
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